MOTORS.AT & CityWerkstatt
Caring of each detail to make your life with your classic as smooth as it should be.
-Scouting in the entire EU market only from privates
-Sales and auction services
-Transport , Import, Export Service
-Registration and solving local bureaucracy
-Restoration process and following in each step
-Private garage with mechanic maintenance
-Yearly revision
-Planning old timer Holidays experiences


FROM THAT CHILD TOY TO THE PRESENT DAY. From that first time you saw it while walking on the street to the day that finally you parked it in your garage.
Classic cars and motorbikes are not about power or speed, are about life experiences, dreams, sacrifices and people.
We know that feeling and want to share travels, adventures and life experiences with classic vehicles lovers.
From the dreamers that wished all life long to make their dream become true to the artists that dedicated their life to conserve and rescue with their skills the vehicles that made today history possible.
MOTORS.AT love for classics.